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and agree that any and all information presented on this site, including information
regarding teleradiology services, is not intended to be used as advice regarding
the choice of teleradiology services. You also acknowledge and agree that Teleradiology
Finder LLC is not responsible for the content of external sites that are linked
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If you submit any form from this website, you agree to be contacted by third party
vendors of teleradiology services. We are not responsible for the services you may
you ultimately select. Should any disputes arise relating to the services selected
and/or your communications with third party vendors, your use of this website, including
the submission of any form from this website, will serve as confirmation that you
acknowledge and agree that Healthcare Referral Networks LLC and its websites, including, are wholly unrelated to the third party vendors and, thereby,
cannot be held accountable for any transactions with the third party vendors giving
rise to such disputes. To this end, you acknowledge and agree that Teleradiology
Finder LLC and its websites, including, are not liable
for any errors and/or omissions that may be made when contracting services from
any third party vendor.
Healthcare Referral Networks LLC is a New Jersey company located within the State of New
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website, you agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the State of New Jersey to resolve
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